Will Collections Impact Your Mortgage?

Marci Deane • Mar 27, 2024

A question that comes up from time to time when discussing mortgage financing is, “If I have collections showing on my credit bureau, will that impact my ability to get a mortgage?” The answer might have a broader implication than what you might think; let's spend a little time discussing it.

Collections accounts are reported on your credit bureau when you have a debt that hasn’t been paid as agreed. Now, regardless of the reason for the collection; the collection is a result of delinquency, it’s an account you didn’t realize was in collections, or even if it’s a choice not to pay something because of moral reasons, all open collections will negatively impact your ability to secure new mortgage financing.


If you’re really late on paying on a loan, credit card, line of credit, or mortgage, and the lender has sent that account to collections, as they consider it a bad debt, this will certainly impact your ability to get new mortgage financing. Look at it this way, why would any lender want to extend new credit to you when you have a known history of not paying your existing debts as agreed?

If you happen to be late on your payments and the collection agencies are calling, the best plan would be to deal with the issue head-on. Settle the debts as quickly as possible and work towards establishing your credit. Very few (if any) lenders will even consider your mortgage application with open collections showing on your credit report.


If you’re unaware of bad debts

It happens a lot more than you’d think; people applying for a mortgage are completely unaware that they have delinquent accounts on their credit report. A common reason for this is that collection agencies are hired simply because the lender can’t reach someone.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you’re moving from one province to another for work, you pay the outstanding balance on your utility accounts, change your phone number, and make the move. And while you think you’ve paid the final amount owing, they read your meter, and there is $32 outstanding on your bill. As the utility company has no way of tracking you down, they send that amount to an agency that registers it on your credit report. You don't know any of this has happened and certainly would have paid the amount had you known it was due.

Alternatively, with over 20% of credit reports containing some level of inaccuracy, mistakes happen. If you’ve had collections in the past, there’s a chance they might be reporting inaccurately, even if it's been paid out.

So as far as your mortgage is concerned, it really doesn’t matter if the collection is a reporting error or a valid collection that you weren’t aware of. If it’s on your credit report, it’s your responsibility to prove it’s been remediated. Most lenders will accept documentation proving the account has been paid and won’t require those changes to reflect on your credit report before proceeding with a mortgage application.

So how do you know if you’ve got mistakes on your credit report? Well, you can either access your credit reports on your own or talk with an independent mortgage advisor to put together a mortgage preapproval. The preapproval process will uncover any issues holding you back. If there are any collections on your bureau, you can implement a plan to fix the problem before applying for a mortgage.

Moral Collections

What if you have purposefully chosen not to pay a collection, fine, bill, or debt for moral reasons? Or what if that account is sitting as an unpaid collection on your credit report because you dispute the subject matter?

Here are a few examples.

  • A disputed phone or utility bill
  • Unpaid alimony or child support
  • Unpaid collections for traffic tickets
  • Unpaid collections for COVID-19 fines

The truth is, lenders don’t care what the collection is for; they just want to see that you’ve dealt with it. They will be reluctant to extend new mortgage financing while you have an active collection reporting on your bureau.

So if you decide to take a moral stand on not paying a collection, please know that you run the risk of having that moral decision impact your ability to secure a mortgage in the future.

If you have any questions about this or anything else mortgage-related, please connect anytime! It would be a pleasure to work with you!


By Marci Deane 15 May, 2024
If you’re new to managing personal finance and you want to learn about credit, you’ve come to the right place. Establishing new credit is a bit of a catch-22. To build a credit history, you need credit. But it’s hard to get credit without having a credit history. So, where do you start? Well, the first thing you should know is that building credit takes time. It’s not something that happens overnight. If you’re looking to secure mortgage financing, you will want to have a minimum of two trade lines (credit cards, loans, or lines of credit) with a minimum limit of $2500, reporting for at least two years. If you don’t have any credit yet, the best time to get started is right now. However, that may be difficult because, as we've already identified, without a credit history, most lenders won’t feel confident about taking a chance on you. What’s the solution? Consider a secured credit card. With a secured credit card, you make a deposit upfront that matches the amount you want to borrow. A reasonable amount would be $1000 deposited on a single secured credit card. You then use your secured credit card to make household purchases and regular utility payments, paying off the total balance each month. If you default on the money borrowed for whatever reason, the lender will retain the money you put up as collateral. When looking for a secured credit card, be sure to ask whether they report to the two nationwide credit bureaus, Equifax and TransUnion. If the credit card company doesn't report, the credit card account will be useless for your purposes; move on until you find a company that reports to both credit bureaus. Once your secured credit card begins reporting to the credit bureaus, you begin to have a credit score; usually, this takes about three months. Now you can start to seek out a second trade line in the form of an unsecured credit card. Don’t forget to ensure that this card reports to both of the credit reporting agencies. Another option at this point could be a car loan. From here, you simply want to make all your payments on time! But what happens if you’re looking to secure mortgage financing before you have a fully established credit report? Well, if you have someone who would consider co-signing, you can certainly go that route. The mortgage application will depend on their income and credit report, but your name will be on the mortgage. Hopefully, when the mortgage is up for renewal, you’ll have the established credit required to remove them from the mortgage and qualify on your own. Although establishing credit takes a minimum of two years, it really begins with putting together a plan. If you’d like to discuss anything credit or mortgage-related, please get in touch!
By Marci Deane 08 May, 2024
If you've been a homeowner for many years, it is likely your property value has increased significantly. One advantage of homeownership is the opportunity to build equity. Home equity growth, partnered with the security of living in your own home, is why most Canadians believe homeownership is the best choice for them! While home equity is one of your greatest assets, accessing home equity is often overlooked when putting together a comprehensive financial plan. So if you’re looking for a way to access some of your home equity, you’ve come to the right place! Simply put, home equity is the actual market value of your property minus what you owe. For instance, if your home has a market value of $650k and you owe $150k, you have $500k in home equity. If you want to stay in your home but also access the equity you have built up over the years, there are four options to consider. Conventional Mortgage Refinance Assuming you qualify for the mortgage, most lenders will allow you to borrow up to 80% of your property’s value through a conventional refinance. Let’s say your property is worth $500k and you owe $300k on your existing mortgage. If you were to refinance up to 80%, you would qualify to borrow $400k. After paying out your first mortgage of $300k, you’d end up with $100k (minus any fees to break your mortgage) to spend however you like. Even if you paid off your mortgage years ago and own your property with a clear title (no mortgage), you can secure a new mortgage on your property. Reverse Mortgage A reverse mortgage allows Canadian homeowners 55 or older to turn the equity in their home into tax-free cash. There is no income or credit verification; you maintain ownership of your home, and you aren't required to make any mortgage payments. The full amount of the mortgage will become due when you decide to move or sell. Unlike a conventional mortgage refinance, reverse mortgages won’t allow you to borrow up to 80% of your home equity. Rather, you can access a lesser amount of equity depending on your age. The interest rates on a reverse mortgage can be slightly higher than the best rates currently being offered through standard mortgage financing. However, the difference is not outrageous, and this is an option worth considering as the benefits of freeing up cash without mortgage payments provides you with increased flexibility. Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) A Home Equity Line of Credit allows you to set up access to the equity you have in your home but only pay interest if you use it. Qualifying for a HELOC may be challenging as lender criteria can be pretty strict. Unlike a conventional mortgage, a HELOC doesn't usually have an amortization, so you're only required to make the interest payments on the amount you've borrowed. Second Position Mortgage If the cost to break your mortgage is really high, but you need access to cash before your existing mortgage renews, consider a second mortgage. A second mortgage typically has a set amount of time in which you have to repay the loan (term) as well as a fixed interest rate. This rate is usually higher than conventional financing. After you have received the loan proceeds, you can spend the money any way you like, but you will need to make regular payments on the second mortgage until it's paid off. If you’re looking for a way to access the equity in your home to free up some cash, please get in touch. You’ve got options, and we can work together to find the best option for you!
By Ask Marci 06 May, 2024
Rate cut speculation is heating up! We wanted to touch on a few things in regard to the big “interest rate conversation”. Yes, the Bank of Canada will very likely start cutting the Bank of Canada rate this summer (perhaps as soon as next month). This will immediately impact Variable Rate mortgage holders. Currently, the prime lending rate is 7.20% meaning a 0.25% rate cut by the BOC should mean that banks will follow suit and cut prime to 6.95%. The US jobs numbers on Friday have improved the odds of a predicted BOC bank cut. This week rate watchers will be focused on the Canadian numbers (due out on Friday May 10th). Economists that we follow speculate that the current fixed rates are already pricing in the BOC’s first two cuts. This means that a cut in June or July may not impact fixed rates at all. The cut will narrow the spread between fixed and variable. If history is a predictor, this chart we created illustrates this where the green line will simply drop, narrowing the gap between prime, fixed and variable.
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