An Introduction to “Smart” Technology | Smart Home Series

Marci • Mar 04, 2016

Welcome to the introduction article of a 3 part series focusing on smart technology with a focus on smart homes. Expect part 2 in a week and part 3 a week after that. 3 parts, 3 weeks, simple as that. 

We all need some sort of “down time” in our lives; time to unwind and reflect. And though most of us are required to put in a hard day’s work, when the clock signals the end of the work day, the vast majority of us are looking for any and all ways to work less, think less, and relax more. Enter “smart” technology; that which is designed to do much of the working and thinking for us, so that we don’t have to spend our valuable personal time trudging through unnecessary exertion hoops.

The term “smart” has popped up in a few different places over the last number of years. Let’s look, very briefly, at four such examples:

The “Smart” Phone

Perhaps the greatest innovation of the last thirty years, these handheld devices have completely transformed the way that our world communicates, shrinking our once endless land and seascape into a global playground. Not to mention, they’re great for browsing Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest. What’s crazy is the kids of the future will never know life without one!

The “Smart” Car

Not to be confused with the (tiny) vehicle of the same name, smart car technology has progressed rather slowly. Yes, many current models include such features as: voice activated climate control, touch screen GPS, park assist, and backing cameras, but it’s been less “Back To The Future” style advancements, and more gimmicky overpriced gadgets. Truthfully, we’re all still waiting for the electric/self-driving Google or Apple car, both of which may or may not be very far off.

“Smart” Internet Monitoring Technology

Yes, internet monitoring is a big topic (too big for this post), but if you want to talk about “smart” then look no further than the tracking/analytics programs utilized by any and all of the top online brass. Ever wonder how targeted ads show up on your Facebook wall? Well, to put it in layman’s terms, your computer is learning (or perhaps more aptly, people inside of your computer are tracking you). Is this incredibly convenient, or is this incredibly terrifying? Most definitely, both. There is no doubt that Amazon knows more about you than you do!

The “Smart” Television

Smart TV’s are essentially a hybrid of television and computer/internet technology. So, in addition to spending hours channel surfing, you can stream content “on demand”, you can go down the YouTube rabbit trail, or you can binge on the latest Netflix offering. So there’s that.

Enter the most recent trend on the “smart” block:

The “Smart” Home

It should be mentioned, at this point, that when we say “smart” home, we’re not talking about artificial intelligence (although this sort of Terminator style technology is, no doubt, being developed within the hallowed halls of Google, Apple and Samsung). Rather, what we’re talking about is automation. We’re talking about a home that’s wired to respond to your commands through various means, including simple voice controls, as well as easily downloaded applications (the second of which will be our main focus, here).

The end result?
*Advanced security/ease of mind
*Energy savings,

Advanced Security/Ease of Mind

Home automation allows for doors and windows to be locked remotely. It allows for security systems to be activated from outside the home. And it allows for “up to the minute” monitoring from any connected device. These functions (and more) help to provide ease of mind to the consumer.

Energy Savings

How often have you left your home, only to get twenty minutes down the road before thinking, “Did I leave the hall lights on?” In a previous age, you would either turn around, making a thirty minute trip into a seventy-five minute trip, or continue on, trying to forget about the possibility that you left the lights on, or the heater, or the television, or the coffee maker. With smart home technology however, this worry is needless; an artifact from the not so distant past. Control all of your lights, dimmers, switches, appliances and amenities with the simplicity of the touch screen on your smart phone. It’s truly that easy.


All of this is downright convenient! Need proof? See the above paragraph.


This technology is also fun! Who wouldn’t want to be able to control their home remotely, with the touch of a digital button?! The future is here, people!

We’ll get into some of the wildly interesting, room by room specifics in the next blog post. For now, keep in mind that: first comes home ownership, then comes home customizing! So, if you’re considering the purchase of a new (or a new to you) home, contact me anytime!

Let me walk you through the process with you. You won’t be disappointed!


By Marci Deane 15 May, 2024
If you’re new to managing personal finance and you want to learn about credit, you’ve come to the right place. Establishing new credit is a bit of a catch-22. To build a credit history, you need credit. But it’s hard to get credit without having a credit history. So, where do you start? Well, the first thing you should know is that building credit takes time. It’s not something that happens overnight. If you’re looking to secure mortgage financing, you will want to have a minimum of two trade lines (credit cards, loans, or lines of credit) with a minimum limit of $2500, reporting for at least two years. If you don’t have any credit yet, the best time to get started is right now. However, that may be difficult because, as we've already identified, without a credit history, most lenders won’t feel confident about taking a chance on you. What’s the solution? Consider a secured credit card. With a secured credit card, you make a deposit upfront that matches the amount you want to borrow. A reasonable amount would be $1000 deposited on a single secured credit card. You then use your secured credit card to make household purchases and regular utility payments, paying off the total balance each month. If you default on the money borrowed for whatever reason, the lender will retain the money you put up as collateral. When looking for a secured credit card, be sure to ask whether they report to the two nationwide credit bureaus, Equifax and TransUnion. If the credit card company doesn't report, the credit card account will be useless for your purposes; move on until you find a company that reports to both credit bureaus. Once your secured credit card begins reporting to the credit bureaus, you begin to have a credit score; usually, this takes about three months. Now you can start to seek out a second trade line in the form of an unsecured credit card. Don’t forget to ensure that this card reports to both of the credit reporting agencies. Another option at this point could be a car loan. From here, you simply want to make all your payments on time! But what happens if you’re looking to secure mortgage financing before you have a fully established credit report? Well, if you have someone who would consider co-signing, you can certainly go that route. The mortgage application will depend on their income and credit report, but your name will be on the mortgage. Hopefully, when the mortgage is up for renewal, you’ll have the established credit required to remove them from the mortgage and qualify on your own. Although establishing credit takes a minimum of two years, it really begins with putting together a plan. If you’d like to discuss anything credit or mortgage-related, please get in touch!
By Marci Deane 08 May, 2024
If you've been a homeowner for many years, it is likely your property value has increased significantly. One advantage of homeownership is the opportunity to build equity. Home equity growth, partnered with the security of living in your own home, is why most Canadians believe homeownership is the best choice for them! While home equity is one of your greatest assets, accessing home equity is often overlooked when putting together a comprehensive financial plan. So if you’re looking for a way to access some of your home equity, you’ve come to the right place! Simply put, home equity is the actual market value of your property minus what you owe. For instance, if your home has a market value of $650k and you owe $150k, you have $500k in home equity. If you want to stay in your home but also access the equity you have built up over the years, there are four options to consider. Conventional Mortgage Refinance Assuming you qualify for the mortgage, most lenders will allow you to borrow up to 80% of your property’s value through a conventional refinance. Let’s say your property is worth $500k and you owe $300k on your existing mortgage. If you were to refinance up to 80%, you would qualify to borrow $400k. After paying out your first mortgage of $300k, you’d end up with $100k (minus any fees to break your mortgage) to spend however you like. Even if you paid off your mortgage years ago and own your property with a clear title (no mortgage), you can secure a new mortgage on your property. Reverse Mortgage A reverse mortgage allows Canadian homeowners 55 or older to turn the equity in their home into tax-free cash. There is no income or credit verification; you maintain ownership of your home, and you aren't required to make any mortgage payments. The full amount of the mortgage will become due when you decide to move or sell. Unlike a conventional mortgage refinance, reverse mortgages won’t allow you to borrow up to 80% of your home equity. Rather, you can access a lesser amount of equity depending on your age. The interest rates on a reverse mortgage can be slightly higher than the best rates currently being offered through standard mortgage financing. However, the difference is not outrageous, and this is an option worth considering as the benefits of freeing up cash without mortgage payments provides you with increased flexibility. Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) A Home Equity Line of Credit allows you to set up access to the equity you have in your home but only pay interest if you use it. Qualifying for a HELOC may be challenging as lender criteria can be pretty strict. Unlike a conventional mortgage, a HELOC doesn't usually have an amortization, so you're only required to make the interest payments on the amount you've borrowed. Second Position Mortgage If the cost to break your mortgage is really high, but you need access to cash before your existing mortgage renews, consider a second mortgage. A second mortgage typically has a set amount of time in which you have to repay the loan (term) as well as a fixed interest rate. This rate is usually higher than conventional financing. After you have received the loan proceeds, you can spend the money any way you like, but you will need to make regular payments on the second mortgage until it's paid off. If you’re looking for a way to access the equity in your home to free up some cash, please get in touch. You’ve got options, and we can work together to find the best option for you!
By Ask Marci 06 May, 2024
Rate cut speculation is heating up! We wanted to touch on a few things in regard to the big “interest rate conversation”. Yes, the Bank of Canada will very likely start cutting the Bank of Canada rate this summer (perhaps as soon as next month). This will immediately impact Variable Rate mortgage holders. Currently, the prime lending rate is 7.20% meaning a 0.25% rate cut by the BOC should mean that banks will follow suit and cut prime to 6.95%. The US jobs numbers on Friday have improved the odds of a predicted BOC bank cut. This week rate watchers will be focused on the Canadian numbers (due out on Friday May 10th). Economists that we follow speculate that the current fixed rates are already pricing in the BOC’s first two cuts. This means that a cut in June or July may not impact fixed rates at all. The cut will narrow the spread between fixed and variable. If history is a predictor, this chart we created illustrates this where the green line will simply drop, narrowing the gap between prime, fixed and variable.
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